Parent Volunteers

Calling all Prom & SafeGrad Volunteers !!

The plans for Prom and SafeGrad 2013 have been finalized and ticket sales are underway.  

At this time we are requesting any parents of students in Belmont Secondary School to come forward to make this amazing evening come to life.  We welcome parents of grades 9 through to grade 12 as this event requires at least 100 volunteers from the set-up through to tear-down.  We will need volunteers from 8 am on Saturday June 15th through to 8 am Sunday June 16th. We have a variety of jobs from set-up, chaperons, casino ,coat check, clothing exchange, bowling supervisors, activity supervisors and tear-down.  

If there is a specific area that you would like to work in please notify the volunteer coordinator's Elisa Linuzzi and Anne MacDonald at  

Please state the time you are available. They will be compiling the list, times, jobs and all information.  Please be patient as they will be receiving hundreds of emails.  If you have not received a reply withing one weeks stating confirmation please email again, we do not want to miss anyone and with this volume that is a concern.  Their will be food for all the volunteers and we are looking forward to seeing you.

Thank-you all so much Prom Committee2013